Kate Upton v.04 HD (Ultra slideshow)

Theme by Lanes8

This is only HD version with 14 images and is an Ultra Slideshow. This is safe to view from ages 14+.

As stated, I won’t accept requests.
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Awsome theme and hot


mrj qqq is the Kanye West of PS3 Themes! +1


I appreciate your positive comments and maybe I’m glad I didn’t see the bad comment, but I would’ve liked to see who made the comment with an option to show the bad comment. This way I know who doesn’t like my themes and themes a like. I know there are so many that don’t like the themes I make and I respect their opinions, but it’s not going to bother me either way. In fact, more negative comments will push me to make more themes. I don’t know the reason why Admin took the comment off, but I could understand… Read more »


@Wolf Yes man I understand everyone can say what he think and I know some people say things like he saw them and that’s are fine. But this guy wrote that every work of lanes8 are garbage not only this theme. Everyone here can give an opinion but saying that all the works of x user are garbage like he said its not right. Those kind of comment dont have any constructive criticism argument are made only to insult or hate. As I said before everyone have their opinion and can give it without problems but why he have to… Read more »


Censorship isn’t bad. Like most things, If it’s done reasonably and responsibly then it’s cool. If someone can’t be responsible with there own words then someone else has to be. There’s a time and a place for everything. Unfortunately some people don’t know when and where.


Faxtron: Yes man the admin delete the comment. Thanks God the message is deleted. I don’t know what happen with this guy is going crazy with his comments lately. Someone can say what he don’t like in one theme but please with respect not with insults. 1. Don’t take the Lords name in vain! 2. I don’t think he’s gone crazy, I think he’s like me, I say things how I see them and if you piss me off I will become aggressive and eventually snap. I guess someone has pissed him off or something although he has always criticised… Read more »



I don’t see mrj qqq’s comment and he has been going a bit too far with his criticisms lately.

Yes man the admin delete the comment. Thanks God the message is deleted. I don’t know what happen with this guy is going crazy with his comments lately. Someone can say what he don’t like in one theme but please with respect not with insults.



I don’t see mrj qqq’s comment and he has been going a bit too far with his criticisms lately.

The admin deleted them. They were hateful comments.


I don’t see mrj qqq’s comment and he has been going a bit too far with his criticisms lately.


@mrj qqq Man what the hell you talking about this theme is good. Give more respect to lanes8 works the next time. You can say what you dont like in the theme or something but say that is “garbage” and nothing more. Those words not contribute in nothing to help the theme maker to know what is need to impruve if is needed. mrj qqq are you ok these days ?


Thanks for the theme +1 🙂