Black & White + Color “Mini-SlideShow”

Theme by Faxtron

Well this is a new way to create SlideShow themes. If someone here like this new method for create slideshows and want to create themes like this one, only let me know and I can give you the files and I can try to write a tutorial in the forum for all the users of ps3-themes. I’m not consider myself a pro creating tutorials but I can try to do it to help others to achive a theme like this. My english is not the best but i can try… lol

Enjoy 🙂
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hello , i like your theme alot i have a request i don’t know if u have the time for it . is there any way you can recreate this theme all the same but on the icons can u make them all white like you did but no box icons just the white ones

would greatly appreciate it , i know it would also get many likes thx 4 this awesome theme btw


Awesome theme! But can you make another one without the slideshow? I prefer only the girl which is on the whole screen. 😛


v king gothik v:

ok…so maybe my last comment was a little stupid…but would you be at all willing to give me a folder/file with thesee pics? Pllllllease ^_^

Sorry my friend I don’t have all the pics right now in the original size.

v king gothik v

ok…so maybe my last comment was a little stupid…but would you be at all willing to give me a folder/file with thesee pics? Pllllllease ^_^



it really is a great theme but where can i find just the picture of the chick in the yellow dress ????

comment image/


it really is a great theme but where can i find just the picture of the chick in the yellow dress ????

Daffy Dilly

I’m not a fan of pg 13 themes however this is great. Custom icons, good backgrounds, and its a one of a kind. Very good job my friend.

v king gothik v

the new ss format youre using is alright(to each’s own). but i was wondering if you can use these same pics in a normal ss format please?


, words cant describe how cool this theme is ! and whats invovled in it !! +10


: Uh, I really hope so, my friend…

And yeah, that’s true, but… well, that code was not so bad, after all: consider that unlike PS2 (or even PS1, lol! 😛 ) this time it took years to hack the PS3 and consequently releasing jailbreak and stuff like that.
(and unfortunately, Datel wasn’t able to create a new Action Replay… sigh! 🙁 )


We probably will still be able to make themes because everyone wants a XMB that they like and shows there personality etc. so Sony probably wouldn’t want to take that away from us also they aren’t going to be running it on the same stupid code as the PS3 since game developers were getting annoyed about having to recode some of the game to make it compatible with the PS3 and the original reason for the code was security which has proven not so great with jailbreaks and other stuff.


I Love It But The Hole Thing Needs To Be In Color And The Pictures Need To Be With Same Girl Another Then A Ten Plus


@uLtRaMa6nEt1c Cool, very, cool thats I’m talking about that everyone here if is possible and have the time can invert in some way a little on the investigation and release of useful more info. with all the contributions from all of us we can help one to each other with what we have and with this we can keep the progress to not remain and stock in time and in the same spot all time with this our passion. Thats is the way that one good PS3 scene and others scenes do the job to progress with the tools he… Read more »


– Thanks man. That means a lot. You’ve been doing an awesome service with these new scripts and tutorials. Thank you for all of your contributions here.
I’m trying to do something new too with the themes. Nothing crazy, but another option for everyone. Now I have to test it – the fun part 🙁 lol.


Ohh I forgot to tell that the tutorial for this is already done and is in the forum section :


Thanks to all 🙂

uLtRaMa6nEt1c Yes my friend another style for all us here. there are no sence to have hidden info and for that reason I will continue sharing all I know or I have once be ready. Glad to read that you like it 🙂 You are one of the best theme makers on this site like OPTIMUS and it is always great for me to read and know your opinion.


, uLtRaMa6nEt1c & TheLoneWolf989

=> Great job, my friend! As always, you never disappoint me… +1! 😀

=> Yep, as Wolf said, Orbis/PS4 is still far away,
but I really doubt it’ll be possible to make themes on it, because it seems Sony is going to change everything: looks like we will even have to say goodbye to the good old DualShock… 🙁

=> Hey Wolf! I almost finished something for you: it’ll be here these days (I hope)
Stay tuned! 😉


Nice theme +1
Don’t worry about it and anyway Orbis(PS4) isn’t coming out until next year.


This is great. Another theme style too 😀
I’m starting to dread the coming of ‘PS4’. Hopefully we’ll be able to do something similar on the new system. Making themes is one of my favorite hobbies and this is one of my favorite sites. There are some good people here too. Anyways… great job Faxtron +1