He saide 16 HD pictures so they may not show if you are not using an HD Widescreen TV and if you have an HD Widescreen TV then make sure your display settings are set to the right settings.
not a bad theme but can u re-do it with just 1 pic the 1 u hv up now just tht pic an color the msg bar same as rest of icons so whn we get a msg its color like icons. also can u change the u change the arrows 4 web there weird n big
He saide 16 HD pictures so they may not show if you are not using an HD Widescreen TV and if you have an HD Widescreen TV then make sure your display settings are set to the right settings.
why the image cant show
not a bad theme but can u re-do it with just 1 pic the 1 u hv up now just tht pic an color the msg bar same as rest of icons so whn we get a msg its color like icons. also can u change the u change the arrows 4 web there weird n big