Sushi Love

Theme by Meinherjar

16 images, Sushi
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great theme i love ab been dreaming somebody wood make one day!!!!!!


Thanks mate


Meinherjar: Thanks a lot, sorry to hear about your health problems. My 2008 stuff is mostly on a different site but trust me it’s not worth it. Incorrect wallpaper sizes, horrific sloppy icons. It was all new to me back then. I get a lot of compliments for the Hello Kitty thing but that was just a favor for a female friend lol. Thanks, mate! πŸ˜€ Well, you know… as I always said to all those who started making themes or the ones I helped to improve so far, “nobody’s a Leonardo Da Vinci at the beginning: the only limit… Read more »


I was actually surprised how much I liked Sushi when I tried it 5 years ago.


awesome mate u have style very creative i love sushi to ^ ^


Thanks a lot, sorry to hear about your health problems. My 2008 stuff is mostly on a different site but trust me it’s not worth it. Incorrect wallpaper sizes, horrific sloppy icons. It was all new to me back then. I get a lot of compliments for the Hello Kitty thing but that was just a favor for a female friend lol.


Oh, I didn’t install it yet… Ugh, shame on me!
Sorry, mate, but I’m having serious problems with my brain lately, so… besides the other stuff, very often it happens that I don’t notice some things… I’m no longer the same, lately πŸ™

Thanks a lot for your compliment, mate: I’m glad to know my works have been useful somehow even in this way πŸ˜€
But… maybe it’s my brain again, but I don’t remember themes made by you in 2008.
Anyway, I remember other good themes of yours like “Hello Kitty”, “Vampire Diaries” or “Death Note”, for example… πŸ˜‰


Appreciate the input though, I’ve learned a lot about refining my themes from yours OPTIMUS. You want to see some bad themes you should see my early stuff from 2008 lol.


Minis isn’t in there but Video Uploader and Chat Room Text have icons. I have a specific sushi icon (a yellow type with black seaweed wrapped around it) assigned to appear as both of those icons respectively. It’s just assigned as a fill for both and not individually and directly. If you install the theme on your ps3 you’ll see both of those icons have a sushi icon.


Hmm… I know my brain’s no more working well, but… I decompiled the theme to check it better, and I can’t see the icons I was talking about (“Video Uploader”, “Minis” and “Chat Room Text”)… O_o

Oh well, it doesn’t matter: you did a good job anyway! πŸ˜‰


I have to start using a new theme builder so I can assign a special icon to the minis theme. Always got to make adjustments as the firmware advances. Yea it is kind of busy but varied sushi types are really colorful. Glad both of you liked it though.


Well thought out theme here. Not my style at all, the backgrounds seem a bit too busy & it’s kinda hard to see the icons but a nice job none the less.

And the minis icons is the only one I see that is missing. All the others are there. Keep up the good work!


Well I just downloaded this from the site to make sure I didn’t upload the wrong theme file but it’s the correct one.

There aren’t any holes in this theme, every icon has a corresponding image.


What’s missing? I know the psp minis icon comes out normal because of the theme creator I’m using but what else?


Nice theme, mate!
Well, you just need to add the usual 3 missing icons, but good job anyway! πŸ˜€


I finally start making themes I’m proud of and I get no responses lol.