Tekken – Heihachi Combo

Theme by DemiGod7

Classic Mishima kicks!
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I take it that there will be no more Tekken themes?

It’s a shame, your Tekken themes are dope.


mate….I wish the program was so expansive and that the code gave us so many options, but eh…

At least I cannot pull something like that off, it’s too complicated for my simple mind hah.


it would be nice if the icons changed with the wallpapers if it was a slide show, if there was a way to pause slide show movement while the controller is being used but when the controller is not being used it resumes, like a program that selects themes in order repeatedly while your engaged in other actions.


i like it.
people are gonna be requesting the whole series now, lol.



It’s not a slideshow on purpose, every Tekken theme is dedicated to the wallpaper because of the combo.
I could try to find different wallpapers, but Namco just doesn’t want to give proper HD wallpapers of characters, I had to do some heavy editing in this one to make it feel good enough for a theme. Ugh…
I will probably do more Tekken themes in similar style, working on something different now….
Still, thanks a lot!

Ahhh don’t worry I understand perfectly.


It’s not a slideshow on purpose, every Tekken theme is dedicated to the wallpaper because of the combo.

I could try to find different wallpapers, but Namco just doesn’t want to give proper HD wallpapers of characters, I had to do some heavy editing in this one to make it feel good enough for a theme. Ugh…

I will probably do more Tekken themes in similar style, working on something different now….

Still, thanks a lot! 😀


Heihachi is one of my favorite characters in Tekken so +1 again.


+1 I like it… A slideshow theme with those you use and a few more backgrounds with the same style for other characters like : king,armor king, Alex, devil jin, etc… Would be awesome.


Thanks Ultra, I had fun making them 😀


Like I said, I love these themes. The idea is so original. +1