SSX 2012 HD

Theme by DemiGod7

This is my theme for SSX 2012. I hope you all like it, feedback is always welcome!
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: Congratulations for getting a place in the “top themes list”, mate! 😀


: Really glad to hear that, mate! 😀


aye, thanks a lot m8! 😀


Congrats on making the list DG7! Good work!


My theme made it in the Popular Now list!!! A Million thank yous everyone! This shows that I am progressing quite well!


: I had to start from scratch. I lost the entire theme when my laptop stopped working. I like this one better anyway. 😀


& FAXTRON: Looool! Hey friends, calm down! I think the hype for this theme is going too high: as I said, there’s no guarantee it’ll be appreciated… 😛

Anyway, I almost finished the icons, so I think the theme will be ready soon.


: Oh man… I can’t imagine all the work you had to redo for this theme, after loosing all the material! O.O

Can’t wait to see your theme, my friend!
And… welcome back to the world of themes, lol! 😀


hey f-rott! i didnt mean to come off as a jerk, it just never seemed like you respond when i do say hi, but HELLO F-ROTT!!!! congratulations on getting a new laptop!! for anyone whos reading this that doesnt know f-rott, this is the guy who did the nes punchout theme!!!! im so pleased that you will be doing themes again!! welcome back! and about the zelda theme THANK YOU SIR!!!! i can not wait to see this,, i have absolutely no doubt that this theme is gonna be among thee best… ….the legend of zelda …a link to the… Read more »


Can anyone help me with the theme builder, i keep getting [errno 2] file does not exist



oh hey optimus! i dont read all the coments sometimes.. my bad, ive been around, f-rott wont tell me what happened to the zelda theme, guess that project fell through, unless i missed that message as well, damn you f-rott… lol. anyway, how have you been?

: I’m fine! By the way, boy are you in for a surprise. I uploaded the Zelda theme yesterday or the day before. I finally got a new laptop about a week ago. Back to themes!


Lol bori i cant wait! Lol


oh hey optimus! i dont read all the coments sometimes.. my bad, ive been around, f-rott wont tell me what happened to the zelda theme, guess that project fell through, unless i missed that message as well, damn you f-rott… lol. anyway, how have you been?


its true, cod3 is a tad boring, the only thing i realy enjoyed from cod was zombies realy.. im waiting for operation racoon city to drop, that should be interesting,, i saw mr X in the preview. i cant wait to play N inhanced version of RE2, its one of my top faverite games… part 2 specificley. im fookin excited.. lol


What a surprise you will have with the SSX animated 🙂


geez that is so dirty…….what can a gal do it’s like there is copyright and thieves everywhere. i have many ideas for themes and including a dynamic themes for vita if vita ever support .gif. i have a whole book of them but it’s just i don’t want to give it for free as some people on here wished they could make a profit from their themes. also can’t you just copyright your themes so people like Disruptive Media don’t steal it. idk im a person who is like ok you know what you have your product im just going… Read more »


Hey optimus check your email because I send you a new video preview for the animation for the SSX theme. I manage to achieve what you need… So check it out and let me know 🙂


@lisa: Oh! “everything has to be unique”… oops, I didn’t notice! Well, you’re right about that, but there’s still point 2: even with unique backgrounds created from scratch, we would make (and sell) themes using unlicensed and/or illegal tools, anyway… And considering that Sony is preventing the use of those themes with the new firmware updates… the question is: would you really risk to sell themes that cannot be used anymore after an update? Yep, there’s also to consider what my dear friend F-Rott said right below… I forgot that damn Disruptive: and they’re not the only ones! >:( As… Read more »


You have to watch out for unscrupulous people like Disruptive Media Publishers too. They’ll just STEAL your theme right out from under you.

My Rings of Saturn Theme:

Disruptive’s dynamic version rip-off:


Hmm. I guess ur right but what about cydia people sell themes and apps and hacks and i dont see apple doing anything. And opti you didnt read when i said nothing copyrighted everything has to be unique. that way in your case we wont be hit with a copyright claim. OPTIMUS: @lisa: Well… as kellyjaye rightly said, it would be really hard to sell themes: why people should buy things that can be easily found for free? Also, selling themes would imply several violations anyway… that’s because when you create a theme, you need still use existing images taken… Read more »


Alright everyone, thank you VERY MUCH for all the informations regarding the Vita. Turns out I will buy it, because what you said actually is not a problem here. There is a bundle available for 280€ which has a Wi-Fi Vita, a 8GB memory card and a Starter Kit. For those who dont know what a Starter Kit for the Vita is, search it up, you’ll be amazed. @doom, I quitted cod after reaching 80 lvl on MW3. Boring as hell in my opinion. @OPTIMUS, patience is gold my friend, instead of buying it on day 1, I’ve waiting and… Read more »


well, demigod7 turns out i was wrong about cod3 having the tps mode.. hmm coulda swore i just played tps cod3, am i losing it or what?? im absolutely positive mw2 has it tho… hmm.


, cod3 has a third person mode,
ps. im not kidding… there was a tps mode in mw2 aswell.. you must not have noticed,, im damn sure of it, since ive been playing cod since Rsv2 like “died”.


@DemiGod7: Well, as my friend F-Rott said, Deus Ex is actually a FPS, but when you take cover behind a wall or anything else, it becomes a TPS (maybe that’s why I appreciated that game even though I don’t like the genre to which it belongs, lol! :P)… As for the PS Vita… well, for the first time in all my life, I missed a “day 1”: actually, I don’t even know if and when I’ll be able to buy it… 🙁 Anyway, I see that the explanation given by F-Rott is very comprehensive: as far as I know, the… Read more »


: Hey… where have you been? 😉


@lisa: Well… as kellyjaye rightly said, it would be really hard to sell themes: why people should buy things that can be easily found for free? Also, selling themes would imply several violations anyway… that’s because when you create a theme, you need still use existing images taken from games or whatever, that are always copyrighted (simply, you cannot sell stuff which is already someone else’s property)… Not to mention the fact that to make themes, in case of standard ones, we use unlicensed tools; and in case of dynamic/animated ones, you have to use tools that are based on… Read more »



Also, I’m pretty sure DX: HR is not a FPS game, but a TPS game (Third Person Shooter). I may be wrong though…..if that’s the case,

Deus Ex is displayed in First Person, though I wouldn’t exactly call it a shooter. 🙂


The Vita is awesome! I like the features. It’s like a severely ramped up PSP. I got Shinobido 2 with it since I’m a HUUUUUUGE Tenchu fanatic and I buy pretty much ANY game developed by Acquire. PROS: *Touch screen, Back touch screen, Tilt controls, and of course, the second analog stick. The screen has a decent size so you don’t have to focus really hard to see it, and the touch screens work like they should. *$250 is a good price to pay for something new like this! *Backed by Sony and their superb first party games like Killzone,… Read more »


I have vita! First on here lol


@OPTIMUS Well, as for SSX it has a ton of content. Also, I’m pretty sure DX: HR is not a FPS game, but a TPS game (Third Person Shooter). I may be wrong though…..if that’s the case, TPS games are ALWAYS more interesting than FPS. Look at Dead Space and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. I quitted FPS gaming recently (MW3/BF3), it was very boring after a while. For me it is Fifa Street in a couple of weeks…. and thats about it till June for Darksiders. I’m seriously thinking of buying the Vita, if someone here has it would you… Read more »


op doesnt do the online thing lisa, lol. good luck..


lol, infact i remember that i played coolbourders 2 way before i tryed to play the first one, i was like wtf is this crap? lol.


btw opti would u like to be my friend on psn? its a exclusive club to be in lol


although coolbourders 1 sucked, coolbourders 2 was awsome for its time, you could watch a replay that had different angles and views throughout the replay that made it seem like a snowbourding ‘video’ that you created, you could do this with split screen aswell, so it was like you wher jammin through the course with a buddy trickin together at the same time through the whole ‘fullscreen’ replay. good game,


Lol opti read my idea on the pac man thread


@DemiGod7: Looooool!!! Think that time ago (maybe 1 month ago) Lisa asked for a SSX theme… Faxtron and I have decided to cooperate once again to create an animated one: we’re working on it, so… another SSX theme is coming! 😛 As for the game… well, I could maybe give it a try (I didn’t like FPS too, but then I was intrigued by Deus Ex Human Revolution) Only problem is I’m currently playing 2 games at the same time: Skyrim (epic) on PS3 and Binary Domain (great sci-fi story) on Xbox360. Also, I still have to play Asura’s Wrath…… Read more »

Ken Marinaris

nice one;)


nice man like all free theme


paul: very nice theme i personally like the blue ice icons on the xmb and like to see a dynamic version of this. like sparkles in the snow and something like an avalanche in the background. ps i have played all the coolboards game and ssx except the latest and both are completely different ssx is more extreme than coolboards Im afraid im gonna have to disappoint you, as this is my 3rd theme overall, I just started in this whole theme building business. I have no idea how to make a dynamic theme whatsoever, plus it wont be anything… Read more »


OPTIMUS: @DemiGod7: Well, the fact is actually I don’t like the genre… I played a game like this only once, in the PS1 era: it was Coolboarders, and I played it just to please my cousin who had received that game as a Christmas gift, lol… Lol! I think that “hmm” is because Lisa really likes the game and everything related to it: maybe she’s just speechless… Believe me, I also am not a fan of snowboarding games. However, rushing down the mountain at 150 km/h, while trying to avoid a canyon, fallen trees and also staying in the sun… Read more »


lol or it means my theme has competition


very nice theme i personally like the blue ice icons on the xmb and like to see a dynamic version of this. like sparkles in the snow and something like an avalanche in the background. ps i have played all the coolboards game and ssx except the latest and both are completely different ssx is more extreme than coolboards


: Well, the fact is actually I don’t like the genre… I played a game like this only once, in the PS1 era: it was Coolboarders, and I played it just to please my cousin who had received that game as a Christmas gift, lol… 😛

Lol! I think that “hmm” is because Lisa really likes the game and everything related to it: maybe she’s just speechless… 😉




hmm…………….that’s all i need to say lol

Well um… that a good “hmm” or a bad “hmm”? If it’s a bad “hmm”, tell me what is wrong so I can fix it in my next theme

gamaei ontos?



hmm…………….that’s all i need to say lol

Well um… that a good “hmm” or a bad “hmm”? If it’s a bad “hmm”, tell me what is wrong so I can fix it in my next theme 🙂



Never played a SSX game… lol!
But nice theme, mate!

I HIGHLY recommend it! I wasn’t a fan myself, I bought it today after playing the demo, and I was astonished!


hmm…………….that’s all i need to say lol


nice theme i just tried the demo


Never played a SSX game… lol!
But nice theme, mate! 😀