Resident Tribute

Theme by OPTIMUS

Tribute theme to the first great episode of the series. HD/SD backgrounds, handmade icons in which I reproduced (or at least all that I could remember… :P) the original icons of the three Resident Evil for PS1. Sound effects directly from the games.
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the eye in resident evil i think we need one diynamic them ( like here is looking at you ) moving normal icons in ps3


Thanks Kairu, but sorry… I don’t have the PS3 connected, so I’m not on PSN.


Hey i love you theme And im gonna check out all of your themes Can you Add Me On PSN Account


Well, April is almost finished, so there are “only” 3/4 months… Hey Yogosan… incredible! I thought you were joking about Lost (you know, speaking of islands…) but I found it! I found the hatch! I was flying with my “super cooler” jet and I was approaching an island with strange towers far from Panau: suddenly a blinding light hit me, the jet was out of control and I had to bale out! When I arrived on the island, the sky became cloudy and a storm started. I entered the forest and after 1 hour of exploration I reached a beach… Read more »


so many ideas, so little time. summer can’t come fast enough


O_o You should be happy.
However, if this can comfort you, know that Red Dead, GT5 and Battle Royale themes are enough for me… πŸ˜›


so just to clarify, i’m working on: a bad company 2 theme, an aliens theme, a battly royale theme, a cyanide and happiness theme, some guy wants me to make an ff13 theme but i dont know if i will, some guy wants me to make a ballad of gay tony theme but i dont know if i will, and i have alot of random icons that i made that are lying around waiting to be used….am i forgetting anything?……. oh ya, im thinking about making a red dead theme and if im hoping to make some progress on that… Read more »


Ooops! Maybe the Gods I invoked were a little too angry… I’m sorry! πŸ˜›
Ouch! I HATE french! Well, try to do your best!
Good luck again! But this time… NO GODS! πŸ˜€


i just an irish aural exam, (answer some basic questions in irish) its harder than it sounds. i went terribly. i have french next week, its worth 20% of the exam. i just go with the flow, i dont care how bad i do anyway πŸ™‚


πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€




O_o Are you abiut to sit an “applied quantum physics” exam, by chance? πŸ˜› Ok, wait a minute… -Oh Gods of the impossible exams, I invoke You: listen to my request! -WHO DARES TO DISTURB OUR REST? ARE YOU A GOD…? -I’m OPTIMUS, one of Your humble emissaries on earth. -WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE RISKING YOUR LIFE? SPEAK! -I… I need You to send all the luck in the world to my friend Yogosan, who is about to face a difficult test… -WE KNEW ALREADY! THE REQUEST HAS BEEN ANSWERED… BUT YOUR AUDACITY IN COMING TO DISTURB US WILL BE… Read more »


i will need all the luck in the world


Lol! So it was you! And you said this to rgarrett87 as well???
HAHAHAAA! Fortunately I know several graphics programs, otherwise I would have said some blshit… πŸ˜›
Funny thing is that I began to think that Madthemez/Montage Mik has something to do with this affair πŸ˜€
Ok, then: good luck for your exams!


lol, i think i told him u use GIMP :)but u seem to know the answer so its all good. i never had problems with file types using fireworks, so i dont know the answer to other peoples problems. lots of exams on at the moment so i wont be making much for a while πŸ™


TO DAHL: better! The game would last even longer…! πŸ˜›


Thanks Richard, but don’t be nervous… πŸ˜› Well, I already answered to rgarrett87 about this thing: I don’t know who is telling you that I use Gimp, guys, but… I use RealWorld Paint.COM to make my icons. However, I don’t know why you need to convert to 16 or 8 bit (bad format…) but, if I remember correctly, Gimp is already set (and limited) to 8 bit by default, unless you’re using a particular version. If I’m not mistaken, should be available the 2.6.5 version of this program, which integrates GEGL graphics library that allows to work at 32 bit… Read more »


I need some help. I use GIMP image editor. I hear you use it too. Obviously you are having no trouble out of it…However, I am. I need to get my icons to be another color format. 16 bit or 8 bit. How do I change my icons to this color format? E-mail may be easier to communicate through. I’m nervous to put it up here…But, I’ll be checking back, so, whatever is convenient. Love the theme BTW…


i would just not have enough spare time to complete it :O


“I’m awesome! I got little biceps, getting fatter in the middle”… πŸ˜€

Well I know Borderlands and I also tried, but unfortunately I don’t like FPS genre: if it was a third person shooter, I would have bought it immediately ’cause I really like its style.
However, I’m enjoying a lot with JC2: as I said in the commente above, this game is enormous and totally insane! There are so much things to do that just today I reached 53 hours, but the game is complete only 26%!!! O_O


You guys gotta try out Borderlands, it’s FPS mixed with RPG and cartoonish art, and to top it, millions of cool weapons and psyko midgets! It’s even more awesome than Spose! πŸ˜›
(If you guys do not know who Spose is listen to this:


Oh yeah, Red Dead Redemption: I can’t wait! The first one was nothing special, but I liked. From what I’ve seen so far, it seems that Rockstar is doing a great work, as always.

WHAT? Are you playing Via Domus, by chance?!?
When this game came out, I started a theme, but then I left because I LOST πŸ˜€ the inspiration…
Maybe, sooner or later, I’ll finish it.


well i gotta get bc2, then im gonna get red dead. i might pick jc2 up after, explore the LOST island. have you found the hatch yet πŸ™‚


TO DAHL: Nooooo!!! You’d have to buy JC2!!! TO YOGOSAN: Nooooo!!! Don’t break my heart!!! I told you: I’m still hoping that someone (preferably Shinji Mikami) decides to make a new Onimusha… (If you trade GoW, take JC2) BOTH: Guys! Go buy JC2! This gane is totally insane! You can do crazy things (like surfing on a plane, for example…) and with the hook you can climb everywhere and do incredible stunts: even Spiderman wouldn’t be able to do better! The island is wonderful (there are deserts, snowy mountains, dense forests, archipelagos…) and especially enormous: so big that I’m playing… Read more »


well i thought those titan battles were the greatest boss battles in a single player game ever! well maybe not ever, but i was very impressed with them. there just isnt enough to do. what i loved about onimusha was the rpg elements that were incorporated. gow3 was alot like infamous, in terms of replay value. i guess its all about multiplayer these days. but i do play mgs4 still, i cant even connect online with it. i plan on trading in gow, i cant believe im saying it but its true


i’ve fixed it now heh, and my mom decided to give me a game… so i’ve got borderlands :O πŸ˜‰
Sadly, delay in the theme… again… half of it is gone so i gotta make it again, done by next week, and this time i promise you guys hehe πŸ˜›


Ooookaaay, here we go again… πŸ˜›
Explain me what failure has occurred and let’s figure it out.


everything’s fully updated


Explorer? Mmm… maybe some .dll file. Is it updated to version 8? You know, Yogosan, I hate to be repetitive, but… as I already said, this GoW was not what I expected: even omitting its length, the game seemed to me too… “recycled”. In addition, the initial epicness tends to decrease during the adventure (but this could be just my impression) and therefore I always had the feeling of playing a “normal” GoW in high definition. Even the ending disappointed me a bit: since this was the final chapter of a GREAT saga (which was to represent the climax of… Read more »


i dont think it will be a masterpiece. i should have got bc2 intead of gow3, great game but incredibly short, once you finish it theres nothing to do. i finished it on titan mode, got the platinum πŸ™ i know bc2 will last me 2 years like the first did


somethings wrong with my Explorer.exe im gonna talk with someone i know who knows a lot about computers!


Hi Dahl! Thanks! And welcome back! Is everything ok (you know what I mean…)?

I also had problems with my computer long ago, but nothing that couldn’t be repaired.
What’s the problem? Maybe I can help.


nice theme optimus i’m sorry to say so, but it’s gonna be a while before i upload my amazing(not so much) theme, somethings wrong with my computer πŸ™


Hey Yogosan! I thought even you were “disppeared” leaving me alone… πŸ˜›
So, you’re working hard, huh? Glad to know that you “continue to forget” the Battle Royale theme…! πŸ˜€
Oh yeah, I know what you mean with NOT A VERY EXCITING THEME: when you say this, surely a masterpiece comes out! πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
Well, no… I have no PSN account yet :(. But you could link those images on turboimagehost, as you did for the PS3 Slim theme background (but in this case, I suppose that anyone could “borrow” them…)


i will be uploading my updated cyanide & happiness theme soon (must just finish off the SD backgrounds) and i’ll probably update that battle royale theme after (i keep forgetting about it). my bad company 2 theme should be along after that, its not a very exciting theme, i’m sure you understand what i mean πŸ™‚ and hopefully i will finish off that aliens theme that lenno asked for, i started it months ago and stopped because it was taking so long. i did one icon and about 1/10th of an HD background. but the foundations are in place i… Read more »


No, I don’t think even if I’d like: as I said, it’s almost impossible to find appropriate images…
That’s why I tried to summarize all the 3 old Resident Evil games through the icons: if you notice, I reproduced almost all the icons that were in the 3 episodes of the series.


What will be your next theme? another about RE Series.
The second is my favourite one,but Nemesis is the best villain.


TO LINK408: you know, it’s almost impossible to find decent images of the first Resident Evil games, so I searched zombies images and among those I found, I liked these (except the one with the original Resident Evil 1 title which I made, though) and I decided to use them.
Funny thing is that I didn’t know these were Dead Rising images: I don’t even have that game… πŸ˜›
However, thanks for telling me.


Mmmm… this means you’re going to disappear too…??? πŸ˜€


sorry to say this, but that is a Dead Rising wallpaper


i’m sorry do i know you πŸ˜› i’m working on a bad company 2 theme at the moment, nothing ground breaking, but it works. there isnt a whole lot to do that hasn’t been done before


Thanks! Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 FOREVEEEER! πŸ˜€ Seeing WHAT Resident Evil has become today, I regret the old chapters for PS1: often, I turn on my beloved PS1 and play them again… Sorry, but… apart from the fact that I don’t have any Hotmail contact, we avoid to make public the e-mail addresses or stuff like that: if you look at my (or Yogosan) themes, you’ll realize that we always talk through the comments area. And we talk VEEEERY MUCH… πŸ˜› So, why don’t you join us? Currently, we’re 4: me, Yogosan, Dahl and Khaloood (well, actually we’re… Read more »


Hi OPTIMUS,good theme really! I love the series.

Can I Have your MSN Hotmail?