Let Mortal Kombat Begin!

Theme by OPTIMUS

This theme is to celebrate the return of Mortal Kombat to its origins.

The project started as “old school theme”, but since the backgrounds are obviously taken from the modern game, I changed my mind and I wanted to join past and present.
So, I recreated some of the old characters drawing them pixel by pixel (in order to keep unchanged the old game’s graphic style) and I used them for the main icons. Then, I drew the sub-icons so that they were related to something about the character depicted in the main icon to which they belong (as well as I did with the backgrounds)
To make the theme as complete as possible, I was also adding original sounds from the MK3 game, but I didn’t, because they might be boring…

The theme contains:
*10 HD/SD backgrounds with hand-made effects and decorations
*hand-made icons
*no sounds

Well, guys, I know that it took a while, but I hope it was worth and you’ll like…

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Here I am again! I had some problem with the site when it has been modified: no more links, no more comments, no more anything… but everything seems to work correctly, now! Oh man… I’m going crazy! I remember that before, the info bar was shorter and “fat”, then it became longer and “thin” and now, guys… are you telling me it’s shorter and fat again?!? I mean: when they’ve changed it with a new firmware, I started using a template for that bar (longer and thin/610×62) but, from what you’re saying, guys (and seeing your images) it seems this… Read more »


if i can find it i’ll definitely put it in, i have the infamous demo already anyway.


Yog- Is there anyway you could get the background they use for the Infamous 2 demo & work that into your theme? I think thats a really cool pic & I can’t figure out how to do it.


i must stop posting! you obviously didnt notice but the info bar was made bigger 9 months ago! thats when i updated my mgs4 theme with the longer info bar! i have your homefront and crysis themes on my ps3 so i should have noticed. i always have my “in progress themes” dispalyed on the ps3 to see what needs fixing. i dont even look back on my own work. so ya, your template definitely needs a slight update, or else your ps3. check this out, the info bar fits perfectly inside this background, and you get to see the… Read more »


oh ya, i also started a little bit on a Dirt 3 theme i had palnned and i’m pretty happy with that so far. i have to have a little variety when i’m making themes. the beginning is the most fun part, a nice distraction from all the tedious work i had ahead of me in that mk9 theme. hmm, and i made two icons for a spider webbed theme, i always thought it would be too long/difficult to pull off but some guy in the forums was requesting icons for a spiderman theme, and i kinda remebered the fact… Read more »


my old themes info bars are still lined up properly, i think you must have accidently moved it in too far! or accidently used the old template. anyway enough about the info bar! i’m nearly finished that mortal kombat theme, all the icons are kinda finished, i have all the electric styled icons done (with the infamous theme in mind!) just need to add the styles for the blood, ice and fire icons, which is simple but still very very time consuming, and i need to make a few more wallpapers. i started the wallpapers for the infamous 2 theme,… Read more »


Thanks mate, I really appreciate! πŸ˜€


Nice theme OPTIMUS…..i like the logo….it’s match perfectly with the background….thanks…..(^_^)


THE_DEAD_NG: @PENNINGSTONED420it seems alot of people dont like fps , u , OPTIMUS & LOTS OF FREINDS I HAVE…….Saints row 3 looks amazing,but now i wanna a new game but im not sure what to getInfamous 2 or duke nukem& ofcoures the best RPG DARK SOULS Well, as I said, I don’t like FPS because you cannot see your character… I liked inFamous, and now I’m playing inFamous 2: although it has the very same problems of the first one, it’s a really good game anyway. Also, in the beginning, you can import the good/evil saves of the first game,… Read more »


it seems alot of people dont like fps , u , OPTIMUS & LOTS OF FREINDS I HAVE…….
Saints row 3 looks amazing,
but now i wanna a new game but im not sure what to get
Infamous 2 or duke nukem
& ofcoures the best RPG DARK SOULS


@doom: Thanks, bro! Anyway, despite the different services, I always thought the info bar was the same in each country (since nobody ever warned me) as well as the XMB, but it isn’t: I would have to imagine that, so… Penning’s right. Also, it would be impossible to make different bars for different countries every time (I should make a theme for each version), that’s why I think is better if I stop making them… @Penningstoned420: And I thank you for that, mate! Well, nobody’s perfect… I never imagined there were such differences (for the reasons I told you): if… Read more »


No prob OPT, just trying to be helpful. I thought you of all people would have known that they are all different. I really can not believe this is the first time you are hearing of this. I know because I have a UK account as well as other countries. Which was awesome btw seeing I got to download free games per account. I got all the games for free- most of which I already owned or collected most of the trophies for but awesome none the less. As for Yogosan, he might be jaded but thats ok I am… Read more »


this theme is the balls anyway.. although the info thing is a lil off personality i dont care.. i must commend you on the epic oldscool theme & awsome icons!!! optimus and F-rott are kicking so much ass right now its just plain silly! lol. i can not wait to see what yogosan has in store for us!! this theme truly brings back memorys of the past.. these oldschool themes you guys are producing seem like they are more than just themes, when you look at a theme like these and it makes you remember playing with your friends back… Read more »


haha very funny man , yea i’ll make it rain blood or something else wooooooohahahahahaha
& yae man it is the best fps ever
did u play it?


Penningstoned420: OPTIMUS- Like Yogosan kinda said, the info bar is smaller in the UK. Or the US one is bigger, whatever. I thought you knew that. Thats why in my first post I said that maybe it’s a UK thing. I’m right outside of Chicago on the latest firmware, it’s not my TV & it looks the same on your other themes too. I didn’t even notice until I saw the Cyrax background: Took a pic and showed you becasue you asked about it. Idk what Yogosan is talking about β€œthey” wanting it moved, no one asked for it to… Read more »



im in canada and the bar is a little low, it could be everywere, its not a big deal though in my opinion lol

Yep, looks like it’s different in every country… O_o

Thanks anyway, mate! πŸ˜‰



Penningstoned, I just swapped your names yesterday πŸ˜€


OPTIMUS- Like Yogosan kinda said, the info bar is smaller in the UK. Or the US one is bigger, whatever. I thought you knew that. Thats why in my first post I said that maybe it’s a UK thing. I’m right outside of Chicago on the latest firmware, it’s not my TV & it looks the same on your other themes too. I didn’t even notice until I saw the Cyrax background: Took a pic and showed you becasue you asked about it. Idk what Yogosan is talking about “they” wanting it moved, no one asked for it to be… Read more »


thanks alot man
cant wait to download it



lol, I realy have to learn how to read things right πŸ˜€

yes, iΒ΄m working on it πŸ™‚


im the 1 who requeted a bulletstorm theme
if u can make 1 for me it’ll be great
thanks alot man


im in canada and the bar is a little low, it could be everywere, its not a big deal though in my opinion lol


yogosan: i can see why it took so long! dont tell me there after moving the info bar. i’m sick of small things being moved for no reason Thanks a lot, my friend! (now, it’s your turn: I’m waiting for your theme! :D) Well, I always made it based on the official template released when the bar was changed long ago, so… I don’t understand: why this damn info bar is ok in all the themes I made so far, but not in this one??? At this point, I think that maybe the latest firmware update has brought new changes,… Read more »



nice theme Optimus, nice to see another great theme from you lol

Thanks a lot, bro! πŸ˜€



OPTIMUS thanks i can’t wait

No problem, mate!


Penningstoned420: Ok maybe not too high but too short & too long. The top bar seems to line up but the rest don’t as you can see. Whaaat? Holy $hit! It looks the old info bar that was used before the 3.40 (or something) firmware update… I always made it that way from the day it has been changed and never had problems like that. Uhm… which firmware do you have on your PS3? Or could it be a particular set up of your TV? Or maybe, with the latest 3.65 firmware, they really changed its size again? O_o (but… Read more »


and by the way guys its not technically too narrow, in europe it doesnt have the news bar scrolling underneath. i’m in europe but i still make it wider, i have no idea why! always waiting for the day we do get a news bar i maybe


i can see why it took so long! dont tell me there after moving the info bar. i’m sick of small things being moved for no reason


if you donΒ΄t mind I could make a Bulletstorm theme for you πŸ™‚


nice theme Optimus, nice to see another great theme from you lol


OPTIMUS thanks i can’t wait πŸ˜€


Ok maybe not too high but too short & too long. The top bar seems to line up but the rest don’t as you can see.


Umm, too high & too long-comment image


a top secert theme niiiiiiice
cant wait to download it man
man evry1 is busy & i still dont understand y no1 made a bulletstorm theme its really weird …………!!!!!!!!!!!!
its the best fps i ever played



nice job! your themes are amazing and maybe when you’re done with what you are doing now you can make a skyrim theme? please?

Thanks, mate!

Well, I’m working on different themes at the moment…
Anyway, you’ve been added to my “themes to do” list, and I’ll see what I can do: you just need to be patient and wait for a while… πŸ˜‰


OMG… I still don’t understand what’s wrong with the info bars, I made them as always: same size, same lenght and same height, so I don’t really understand… O_O

Are they too high, or too long? Or maybe they’re not alligned???


Yeah OPT, info bars are off. I don’t think it’s an update thing, other themes still look ok. At least on my end here, maybe it’s a UK thing?


nice job! your themes are amazing and maybe when you’re done with what you are doing now you can make a skyrim theme? please? πŸ˜› πŸ™‚


Amazing. I really like the effort you put in creating themes, your really dedicated to it.


Thanks a lot, mate! πŸ˜€

What? Info bars do not match? Why… what’s wrong? Did they change the size again with the last firmware? O_o

No, I didn’t notice: actually, I’ve been able to update my PS3 to 3.60 only the other day, when I bought Infamous 2… the only thing I noticed is the new “Cloud Storage” icon (and I don’t even know if it can be changed) πŸ™


Niiiice job man! The Info Bars don’t quite match up on my PS3, but otherwise, FLAWLESS VICTORY!

BTW…Noticed they changed the Save Data Minis icon? After all those themes made using it, they’re like, “Let’s change this!”


Thanks a lot!
(yep, it took a while… :P)

Well, I’m starting to work on 2 other themes:

1) a Darksiders theme for Deathninja666
2) a “top secret” theme…


finally man
i was waiting for ur theme & u upload 2 themes
as always man great job 5 stars
so whats ur next theme man?



Big fucking thank you OPTIMUS, BIG FUCKING THANK YOU!

Loool! Thanks a lot, mate!!! πŸ˜€
It took a lot of time, and I’m really glad you like it, so… thanks for your patience πŸ˜›



another good theme from u I like the file icons…I hope we see in the future more from your great work

Thanks, mate!

Well… I put a lot of work in each icon (you know, it was very hard to draw every character, pixel by pixel) and I’m quite satisfied of them all.
Anyway, funny thing is… don’t know why, but I’m particularly proud of the “Game File” icon… O_o


Big fucking thank you OPTIMUS, BIG FUCKING THANK YOU!



another good theme from u πŸ™‚
I like the file icons…
I hope we see in the future more from your great work πŸ˜‰


Lol! And you’re right…
Indeed, I was about to tell you that THIS is the “main” theme I worked on for over a month… πŸ˜‰
The other one is just a secondary theme I created quickly (more old school)

Thanks, mate! πŸ˜€


This one looks better than the other one (my opinion) πŸ™‚