Journey Animated

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Journey Animated with custom icons and original sounds. For the best experience possible use on this theme the backgrounds brightness -1 or -2. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — “-1 or -2”. Like always for free πŸ™‚ I recommend to play with the brightness because some themes looks better with different brightness settings. πŸ™‚

Enjoy !
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: can you make a dynamic guitar player theme where the guy strums and bangs his head because you are 1 of the people who make kool Hd themes if you want my Playstation ID is edwin4649 thanx please comment and add


@lisa: Well… yes, in a sense… But making a theme with lots of backgrounds is not mandatory: I think the one I drew, with the lighting effects, the ice and all the rest (plus the snow and the condensed water effect made by Faxtron) is more than enough. Drawing additional backgrounds would require a lot of time (especially considering we’re releasing this theme very late) but to create a SD background, I just need to partially redraw the HD one and the effects I already made. Basically, I just wanna expand the choice, so that all those who maybe are… Read more »


so…………….we are expanding the theme to a static version now? but don’t we need more back grounds?


LISA: Lol! Yep, it could be a problem…
FAXTRON: Roller Coaster… looool!
Ok, then start working on the β€œslow” version, my friend: meanwhile, as soon as I have a little more free time, I thought to also make a static version (HD/SD)…
When the slow version will be ready, just send it to me and I’ll upload all 3 themes at once



LISA: Lol! Yep, it could be a problem… πŸ˜›

FAXTRON: Roller Coaster… looool! πŸ˜›

Ok, then start working on the “slow” version, my friend: meanwhile, as soon as I have a little more free time, I thought to also make a static version (HD/SD)… πŸ˜‰
When the slow version will be ready, just send it to me and I’ll upload all 3 themes at once πŸ˜€


personally idc. but im just worried for the ones who have a 3d tv lol…


Is ok, you can upload the first version the extreme one (Fast). I will be working in the second version (Slow) for those do not like or love the faster roller coasters. Joking, Hehehehe upload the first one, I think lisa want the second version too.


np. i don’t know how to make themes but im just the idea person. lol


Thanks ! Well about the sound, I can make a new version with custom sounds only I have one problem I don’t have those sounds. I like to know If someone can help me with that and give me those sounds would be cool for add those sound to a new version. Thanks for the idea lisa


Is ok, you can upload the first version the extreme one (Fast). I will be working in the second version (Slow) for those do not like or love the faster roller coasters. Joking, Hehehehe upload the first one, I think lisa want the second version too.


Thanks ! Well about the sound, I can make a new version with custom sounds only I have one problem I don’t have those sounds. I like to know If someone can help me with that and give me those sounds would be cool for add those sound to a new version. Thanks for the idea lisa πŸ™‚


wow sad to say this is better than sony version. fax why don’t u add the sound that is on the real ver.


my creation lives!!!!!!!! MUHHHHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@Faxtron: Yep, I read your email. Uhm… I seem to remember that I replied that Lisa told me she also find that maybe the animation could be slowed down a little, but she also said she likes the theme anyway. Also, I just got back to the youtube link of the video preview, and I saw there’s a SSX fan who said he really likes the theme and he can’t wait to see it uploaded here. πŸ˜€ So, since you say you can make a slower animation… well, I thought that maybe we can upload 2 versions of the theme:… Read more »


um r u sure it has original sounds? or did u mean the PS3s original sounds? its nice tho… would love for a small seemless loop of the ost to continually play… and the chirps as the key tones would be cool too.


GlowBall Thanks mate ! Great news that you are working to update the tutorial of slideshow themes. Im waiting impatient for those new files for the fade effect πŸ™‚

About the update to the animated tutorial let me check how is it… Thanks man for all your help and tutorials.


Another cool theme Faxtron thanks for sharing man πŸ™‚

I’m still working on my Pro SlideShow tutorial (making it noob proof lol)

I have added a quick extra to my animated tutorial that may interest you fella. It’s colour control so you can adjust the colour/brightness of the background without having to adjust all of your images/frames . Let me know if it’s easy enough to understand in pink lol.


@OPTIMUS Nice to see you and read you again. Thanks for your apreciation on the theme πŸ™‚ I recomend this game to you 100%. if you can buy this game is only $15 and is exclusive on PSN is awesome πŸ™‚ About the SSX theme I sent you an email telling you that I can slow it down the animation without the need to create a new theme with more frames. Or simply if lisa like the theme as is it upload the theme, because the theme is a request by her. You know, if she like the theme as… Read more »


Sorry mate but I don’t make personal themes or for a minimal group.


Hi friends! I’m back! How goes it?
Ooh maaan… because of my new job, it really looks like that I’m missing a lot of good themes!

: Hey! Great theme, my friend! It’s so hypnotic (just like the game, I suppose ;)…) Good job!
By the way, tell me, mate… What did you decide about the SSX theme?


faxton can u mak a mw3 clan them for me. the clan is why so serious


Great news I will be waiting impatient to saw it πŸ™‚


Thanks for the compliment. I wish I could pump out more themes, but between work and fam – you know how that goes. I just uploaded the Journey Dynamic Theme and a Wu-Tang Clan Logos Slideshow that took me a couple of months to make. JOURNEY IS A MUST BUY (for those that didn’t know).


Hi bro ! Long time that I not seen you around here mate. Nice to know that you want to make a new theme for this game. You are one of the best themes makers on this site so I know you will create a master piece of theme for this game. I can’t wait to see it.

For me this game is A+, You know this game is awesome and more awesome is the price only $15 for this master piece.

I will be waiting for your theme about this game πŸ™‚


Nice theme. You beat me to it. This game is awesome. I’m gonna up my Journey Dynamic Theme too.


Okay, I see. Alright, thx for the tips. I’ll see what I can find. Dynamic themes really open up more possibilities.


hunger games animated theme pls =)


@bnecker717 Gimp or another program that give you support to import video to images and posibility to export the files in DDS format. But,for me photoshop is the best choice.


Okay, cool thanks! I noticed on the tutorial that it says you need to have Photoshop. Is there any alternative?


@bnecker717 Its created using the Glowball tutorial on how to create animated themes. In the forum on this site you can get the tutorial.


Thanks! I know this game sure is amazing! I hope they make it available on the Vita too. How did you make a dynamic theme out of this btw?


@bnecker717 Thanks bro and is nice idea to be working in another Journey theme I will be waiting to see it. This game is magical….:)


Great theme! I’m working on a Journey theme too, but not a dynamic one. Very nice job! πŸ™‚


Thanks to all πŸ™‚

No mate, only follow the Glowball tutorial and you will see that is easy to do πŸ™‚




Fax throne this is great ^^ is this really hard to make?


NICE theme Fax!


Thanks mate πŸ™‚


Oooh…I like this! Nice icons. Better than the official Theme!


Thanks mate πŸ™‚


Great theme! thanks πŸ™‚