Theme by OPTIMUS
Ok, mate, here is your theme!
There were few suitable images, but I think those I found are the official ones, at least…
Well, I don’t know if you’ll like my artistic choice, but… that’s what I’ve done:
first of all, I drew some mimetic textures (like the military uniforms) from which I created simple shaped icons, then I ruined them and I’ve soiled with blood.
As for the backgrounds, I wanted to emphasize the war atrocities told in the game by creating particular contrasts with light and dark, black and white, etc, and by making the images dirty (so, don’t worry if they seem grainy or stuff like that: it’s intentional… :P)
So, I separated images in 3 different categories:
1-NEWS (2 backgrounds) I created a paper effect, so that images seem to be taken straight from an old and ruined newspaper.
2-TV (2 backgrounds) I created a special effect with horizontal RGB lines, little dots and stripes, as if the images came from a disturbed local TV transmission.
3-REAL (2 backgrounds) I created effects like lighting and lens flare, so that it seems you’re right there watching the scenes with your own eyes.
The last background is an artwork that I preferred to leave as it is.
Well, hope you’ll like it, mate.
Enjoy! 😉
Download Here
YOOOO!! sup
Don’t mention it, bro!
Always a pleasure! 😉
Ok , hey thanks again 😀
Ok, mate: if you confirm the image is precisely the one I told you (the 3 soldiers shooting toward the right side) I will use that one for your theme 😉
But, as I said, you’ll need to wait for a while…
its that one the 3 soldiers who are shooting toward the right side
mmm…i serch for Bad company 2 PS3 and then when you put the photos out on the left put large size
Thanks for your appreciation, mate! Well, don’t worry, I’ll see what I can do… Anyway, there are 2 problems: 1) when I click on the link you gave me, it keeps loading, but nothing appears. So, I searched on google, but I’m not sure the image I found is the same you linked… is it the “Bad Company 2” one which depicts the 3 soldiers who are shooting toward the right side of the screen??? 2) I can surely make the theme you requested, mate, but… you’ll have to wait for a while: I’m working on a theme which still… Read more »
my bad its arica not africa
OPTIMUS , We all know that you are the best making themes , you can make a theme for me with this photo PLZ , “this is the link ”
Ok, mate, I’ll be waiting for your theme!
And thanks a lot: I really appreciate! 😀
yogosan: @kwazy, there is a bug in the theme builder that (correct me if i’m wrong) sometimes, simply requires you to save the theme and then build it, i think so anyway, it hasn’t happened me in a while. does the error occur during the compiling stage or does it not begin to compile at all? are you using sounds? sounds can definitely mess a theme up if the file size is too big. I don’t have any sounds, and yes, it happens during the compiling stage. But yeah I’ll see if saving the theme first works and if all… Read more »
@yogosan: Hey, mate! Welcome back to you too! What did you find in the Easter egg? 😀 Wow, I was just about to say that I hoped to see your GT5 theme these days… O_o Oh man… I do know you enough to understand what you mean, my friend: I know well your style, as well as I perfectly know how perfectionist you are, when it comes to make themes… that’s why I can safely say that no one would have been able to make better of what you showed me last time! Sure, it might be too generic (I… Read more »
Kwazy32: Hey OPTIMUS hows it going man. I know I haven’t commented in a while, but thats because my computer blue-screened on me. Anyway I tried to make that theme, but everytime I would click on “Build Theme”, a message would pop up saying “An error has occurred”. I’m sure I had all the images the right size too, so I don’t know what to do. But besides that… Another Good Theme! Hey, mate! Thanks a lot! And… welcome back! Yep! Yogosan’s right: when building a theme, you have to pay attention to some things, especially if you’re using sounds…… Read more »
@OPTIMUS, uploaded that gt5 theme, long overdue and failed to live up to expectations, just like the game itself! some people might like it. that generic look it has drives me insane, when it comes to themes I really try to avoid that, since it was a gt5 theme i didnt feel like I had any other choice, it’s gt5 for christ sake! the most generic game in existence! thought I had all the right ingredients but in the end it didnt click at all. 2nd time thats happened for me, gt5 and uncharted 2, at least i uploaded this… Read more »
@kwazy, there is a bug in the theme builder that (correct me if i’m wrong) sometimes, simply requires you to save the theme and then build it, i think so anyway, it hasn’t happened me in a while. does the error occur during the compiling stage or does it not begin to compile at all? are you using sounds? sounds can definitely mess a theme up if the file size is too big.
Hey OPTIMUS hows it going man. I know I haven’t commented in a while, but thats because my computer blue-screened on me. Anyway I tried to make that theme, but everytime I would click on “Build Theme”, a message would pop up saying “An error has occurred”. I’m sure I had all the images the right size too, so I don’t know what to do. But besides that… Another Good Theme! 🙂
Great theme BIG O!!!
Really glad to hear that, mate: thanks a lot!!! 😀
this is the first time commenting on a theme its amazing! good job bro.
Hmmm… I’m curious O_o
I hope my 2 themes will be in the update tomorrow, you’ll see why xD
Haha :p, I do have a very large one laying in my kitchen xD mmmm u just gave me an idea :p
Oh well, everything’s ok, then…
Hey, where’s my Easter egg made of milk chocolate and nuts…? 😀
Sorry, I already found it 😛
Hey OPTIMUS, I have a question…. I’m making a portal 2 theme. I have every icon themed, except for the minis icon 🙁 But my question is : How can I get the minis icon to be themed too? Thanks already m8!
OMG! That’s true! O_o
I didn’t notice that! Looool!!! 😀
That little girl is giving the Koreans the “Finger”! LMBO!
Good… 8)
i did download all ur themes man but i deleted them,
then i started a new collection
, but dont worry i’ll download them again
just 4 u buddy 😉
Hmmm, I see… So, when I’m back here, you told me you downloaded and collected all my themes just to be sure to get your Demon’s Souls theme…? 😛 Oh man… have you ever heard of Pinocchio’s nose? 😀
So, here is your punishment: go back and download all my other themes! I’m sure you’ll like many of them… 😉
i started my collection senis ur reboot theme hehe 9 themes is not a very big collection thats y i want u to do ur themes fast X)
Thanks, bro, I appreciate! Whaaat? You got only my last 9 themes? And where are all my other ones?!? 😛 Well… in theory, I should start the Doom theme for Doom, but I don’t really know what to do. That’s because, if you remember, he asked me to make this theme, but the other day he also asked to Devilush for a dynamic one: well, it doesn’t have much sense for me making a standard theme for someone who can get a dynamic one… I told him about this, and asked “what should I do?”, so… I’m waiting for an… Read more »
check out the theme “this .. i did”
its really good with amazing icons
he’s my friend & he’s very talented just like U & YOGOSAN
so now i got 9 themes
im not missing any theme right
looking forward for ur next theme
WOOOOOOOOOOOW fantastic theme man, 5 stars,
so whats ur next theme
Yep, that’s exactly what I wanted to do: recreate somehow the game’s atmosphere, the anguish of that war… I’m really glad you noticed and appreciated!
Oh yeah, your name… it perfectly fits the title, don’t you think? 😉
Really glad you like it, mate!
Uhm… something in return…? Maybe a BIG Easter egg, only made of milk chocolate and nuts… YUM! 😛 (nah, just kidding! :D)
I wish you a GREAT EASTER, too!
Well OPTIMUS, I don’t like it……NO LOL JUST KIDDING THIS IS THE BEST THEME EVAH MADE xD Thank you so much! Everything just fits in perfect with the game’s atmosphere. Maybe there is something I can do in return for you for all the hard work this requires :p just tell me! Oh and I like the title you gave the theme haha thanks for putting my name in it 🙂
Well I hope you have a GREAT easter and keep up the good work m8!