Aww yea!! Love the games/series! Just a quick request if you don’t mind ^_^ I’d love a dynamic theme of anythin from the game ^_^ If you can, id appreciate & if not, you’re still fantastic for this. Keep it up =D
@Mega 26, Love the game too! 😀 waiting for
*Hack Versus* xD I’ll try to make Hack GU Version 2 !
11 years ago
xD thank you for comment! zTRIGGR_NOMIX 😉
11 years ago
Aww yea!! Love the games/series! Just a quick request if you don’t mind ^_^ I’d love a dynamic theme of anythin from the game ^_^ If you can, id appreciate & if not, you’re still fantastic for this. Keep it up =D
11 years ago
FINALLY! decent icons for once lol. Awesome theme love the icons. Please make more 🙂
Ok this an awesome theme but just one request.. try and update this at some point changing the color of the top right panel so when the backgrounds white you can still read it and also try and learn icons so you can put in like the characters or something instead of the ones you have other than that love the pics you used
@Mega 26, Love the game too! 😀 waiting for
*Hack Versus* xD I’ll try to make Hack GU Version 2 !
xD thank you for comment! zTRIGGR_NOMIX 😉
Aww yea!! Love the games/series! Just a quick request if you don’t mind ^_^ I’d love a dynamic theme of anythin from the game ^_^ If you can, id appreciate & if not, you’re still fantastic for this. Keep it up =D
FINALLY! decent icons for once lol. Awesome theme love the icons. Please make more 🙂
ok! thanks Kiva
Ok this an awesome theme but just one request.. try and update this at some point changing the color of the top right panel so when the backgrounds white you can still read it and also try and learn icons so you can put in like the characters or something instead of the ones you have other than that love the pics you used