FFVII Remake

Theme by Antibushido

just a fan hoping for a remake
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love ff7….thanks for the theme…i love it…


i must say, the sfx gets kind of annoying


Oh, I almost forgot! If you also like to add sounds to your themes, there are 2 other little programs that I use: AUDACITY and MFAUDIO.

AUDACITY= you can open/import, manipulate and export/save audio files in Mp3 and Wave format.

MFAUDIO= you can convert the audio files obtained with Audacity from Wave to VAG format, which is the one used for the themes.
Both programs are simple, free and do not even need installation!


coolness thanks πŸ˜€


Good! Waiting to see your new theme!
With that program, you can do everything you want also using transparencies, layers, lighting effects and so on…
Just a little bit practice at the beginning, then the only limit will be your imagination. πŸ˜€
And remember: if you have problems, you can also come in my themes to ask me.


yep, thanks for telling me where to go im trying out making some new icons πŸ˜€


Oh, ok. But in this case… YOU might be a hacker (I’m joking!) πŸ˜€

Hey, have you found the program I told you?


its cool that emial is a blank one i made i dont go to it that much


No problem, but… hey, be careful! I don’t think that make public your e-mail is a good idea (I could even be a hacker… :P)


coolness thanks, if u ever want to contact me my e-mail is l337dperry.com


No problem, my feet are very big… πŸ˜€ Yep, I saw the 2nd background: good work! (Funny thing is that when I downloaded your theme, I thought there was a mistake because it’s named LIGHTSHADOW, then I realized you left the name of my theme… :D) Ok, listen, making icons is much easier and more fun than it seems, all you need is the right program: for example I use RealWorld Paint.COM, very versatile, intuitive and above all it’s free. Since I noticed you’re already familiar in editing images, you should not have trouble drawing icons: is the same principle,… Read more »


oh, ok i didn’t want to step on any ones toes or any thing. i dont know how to make icons but i respect the people that do. im perty good on getting and editing backgrounds for themes. like the 2nd pic to this theme with cloud on it. it had alot of windows icons with the start menu on it


Hey, don’t worry, everything’s ok! I’m not blaming you: maybe I looked angry, but I was not really; that was just a generic speech to explain you my point of view on using the work of other theme makers… Glad to know that you’re not part of those categories, but the first one is excusable, because if someone does not realize the work and time needed to create handmade icons, it’s not his fault if he reuse them without giving credit… πŸ˜‰ And don’t be confused: I really like your theme and I voted 4 stars for real! πŸ˜€ So…… Read more »



ps: optimus im nether one of your category’s most people wouldn’t have even replayed saying please forgive me and all Credit goes to you. hell if you realy want to talk about this. just add me to your PSN Antibushido is the ID


Well honestly im confused at this point I apologized for not adding your name to the description and normaly it takes about 3 days for a theme to go up but it did it in 1 for some reason. but that’s beside the point. I tried to make up by replying and Having the statement ‘yes All credit goes to OPTIMUS for a beautiful work on icons and sound’.


Well, credits can be put in the theme description when you’re about to upload it (but you only wrote “just a fan hoping for a remake”) so I can’t see what has to do with the fact that you don’t expect the theme was uploaded before those 4-5 days… Ok, it doesn’t matter (the mess has been done, by now): I’m always glad when someone appreciates my work enough to decide to use it for his own theme, but what I really can not stand is the lack of respect for those who create themes with passion and then decide… Read more »


please forgive me I would have put your name for Credit. i was not expecting it to be up so fast. normal its like 4- 5 days but, yes All credit goes to OPTIMUS for a beautiful work on icons and sound.


Nice one, but… I’ll never tire of repeating it, guys: when using the work of other people, you MUST learn to GIVE CREDIT!