Black Ops 2 Theme

Theme by Jdume

Black ops 2 theme I made it has 12 backgrounds but the hole background doesn’t change just the little monitor. Its not dynamic, animated or pro slide show. I may do that later. I will be doing a zombies theme as well.
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this theme kick’s ass bro i just got black ops for the ps3 its ausome still havent playd it all the way threw yet workin on it hope you hade a good New Years eve 🙂


when you do one let me know and keep making cool themes like this one good job


sure and exelent work whit this theme of black ops 2


maybe I’ll consider on doing a dragon ball z theme in the future it depends on what kind of response I get from this….


thanks! The original plane was to have a dynamic or pro slide show thats exactly why the window is there. I couldn’t pull it off because I’m not familiar with java. I had p.M.ed you to see if you could help me but I didn’t get a response. And that’s ok I understand life can be busy, so I just rolled out the theme as is. Maybe if you get a chance you could give me a hand and I’ll convert this bad boy!!


Cool theme :)… dynamic is the way forward tho man

Weirdly it has the same window shape as my dynamic window black ops 2 theme lol

Anyways keep up the good work fella +1


can you do more themes of dragon ball z