Ninja Scroll: Burst Ultra Slideshow

Theme by Fuyume

14 zoom in / fade out HD screenshots.

(Screenshots were taken from the Burst trailer)

Handmade icons.

Tools courtesy of uLtRaMa6nEt1c.
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I haven’t seen Paprika yet, sadly. Although I’ve seen it around and it does look like a pretty movie


aside from steamboy, ninja scroll is my favorite. have you seen paprika?



Thank you so much! I wanted to make a Ninja Scroll theme with wallpapers but there’s literally none I could find really, so I just took screenshots of Burst. I’ll consider doing a Spriggan theme!


Very cool theme for this awesome clasic anime. One of my favorite anime movie of all time. You have to do one for Spriggan movie.


I can’t wait for this movie either! Ninja Scroll is definitely my favorite animated movie!


Iron Dante: Hi there this is an awesome theme how did you made these icons ? I use PhotoShop CS5 but I can’t make these icons if you created them or found them tell me for my new themes that I will create Thanks a bunch! I use GIMP for editing. The blood splatter is from google images xD and basically I just pasted the default Playstation icons under some layers of the picture and added some drop shadows. The frame is supposed to be calligraphy-ish. My advice would be just play around with layers and shadowing, you can get… Read more »


i can not wait to see this movie,

Iron Dante

Hi there this is an awesome theme how did you made these icons ? I use PhotoShop CS5 but I can’t make these icons if you created them or found them tell me for my new themes that I will create 🙂