Needless Slideshow pro theme #1

Theme by HollowBattousai

As requested, This theme comes with 7 backgrounds. A second theme is coming soon!

Credit to : GlowBall – Tools/Guide
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: no problem, have to give the TMNT the best theme possible. 😀 this theme has been my biggest challenge yet which will make me into a better theme maker in the long run. its a cartoon I grew up with and I know many also did, can’t put a price on a great child hood. 😀


@HollowBattousai you had me at tmnt ^_^
omg that awesome your making 1980 tmnt
cartoon slideshow theme i’m so looking forward to it
& thank you for taking the time to make it the best
possible i know it will be a beautiful masterpiece
considering you too are a tmnt fan………
turtles forever


: yeah people in this site are maker way better themes than the one on PSN. Also the TMNT Theme will be a slideshow theme, I’ve been working on the wallpapers from scratch since all the ones online are way to small.


@HollowBattousai that great news
this theme you made is nice well detailed & flawless
slide show nicer then what is on psn store ^_^


: glad you liked it 😀

I like slideshow pro themes better, I can see all the backgrounds used on the theme 🙂


Great theme man had me spinning because pictures kept changing lol


: yeah, I will be uploading it soon.


@HollowBattousai your making a part 2
of this theme…..awesome i look forward to it ^_^


: Glad you liked it, part 2 of this theme is coming soon! 😀


awesome slideshow
it looks really good thank you for sharing 5/5